Oxfam International has just released a report entitled “An economy for one
percent”. According to the report, half of the world resources and wealth is
held by only 62 people. This report has revealed a shocking fact about ever widening
rich and poor gap across the globe. The bitter truth about the global economy
is that, the world population is facing a shortage of resources and on the
other hand, only 62 people have a glut of wealth. This report says that, only1
per cent of the world’s richest people own more than 99 per cent of people’s
wealth. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) had
also released similar story few months ago, in which it has warned the world,
about the constantly increasing gap between rich and poor. The
OECD had warned that such inequality is a threat to economic growth. So, the
burning issue before the global leadership is to take strong measures to check
this trend of growing inequality.
percent”. According to the report, half of the world resources and wealth is
held by only 62 people. This report has revealed a shocking fact about ever widening
rich and poor gap across the globe. The bitter truth about the global economy
is that, the world population is facing a shortage of resources and on the
other hand, only 62 people have a glut of wealth. This report says that, only1
per cent of the world’s richest people own more than 99 per cent of people’s
wealth. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) had
also released similar story few months ago, in which it has warned the world,
about the constantly increasing gap between rich and poor. The
OECD had warned that such inequality is a threat to economic growth. So, the
burning issue before the global leadership is to take strong measures to check
this trend of growing inequality.